Wonder《奇迹男孩》043 您所在的位置:网站首页 奇迹男孩August through Wonder《奇迹男孩》043


2024-07-04 14:40| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Seeing August   如何看待奥古斯特(下)

I think the only person in the world I couldhave told any of this to was Grans, but I didn’t. It was too hard to explainover the phone. I thought maybe when she came for Thanksgiving, I’d tell herwhat I felt. But just two months after I stayed with her in Montauk, mybeautiful Grans died. It was so completely out of the blue(blue: n. 天蓝色,错误  adj. 蓝色的,忧郁的   out of the blue:【习语】晴天霹雳,出乎意料). Apparently, she had checked herself into the hospital because she’dbeen feeling nauseous(adj. 恶心的,想吐的). Mom and I drove out to see her, but it’s a three-hour drive fromwhere we live, and by the time we got to the hospital, Grans was gone. A heartattack, they told us. Just like that.


It’s sostrange how one day you can be on this earth, and the next day not. Where did she go? Will I really ever see her again, or is that a fairy(n. 【故事中的】仙子,小精灵) tale(n. 故事,【精彩但不一定完全真实的】讲述)?


You see movies and TV shows where peoplereceive horrible news in hospitals, but for us, with all ourmany trips to the hospital with August, there had always been good outcomes.What I remember the most from the day Grans died is Mom literally(adv. 字面上,真正地,简直) crumpling(crumple: v. 变皱,【因受惊等】瘫倒) to the floor inslow, heaving(heave: v. 缓慢发出【声音】) sobs(sob: v. 抽泣,呜咽), holding her stomach like someone had just punched her. I’ve never,ever seen Mom like that. Never heard sounds like that come out of her. Even throughall of August’s surgeries, Mom always put on a brave face.


On my last day in Montauk, Grans and I hadwatched the sun set on the beach. We had taken a blanket to sit on, but it hadgotten chilly(adj. 寒冷的,阴冷的), so we wrapped it around us and cuddled(cuddle:v. 拥抱) and talked until there wasn’t even a sliver(n. 小块) of sun left over the ocean. And thenGrans told me she had a secret to tell me: she loved me more than anyone elsein the world.


“Even August?” I had asked.

She smiled and stroked(stroke: v. 抚摸) my hair, like she wasthinking about what to say.



“I love Auggie very, very much,” she saidsoftly. I can still remember her Portuguese(adj. 葡萄牙的  n. 葡萄牙人) accent(n. 口音),the way she rolled her r’s. “But he has many angelslooking out for him already, Via. And I want you to know that you have me looking out for you. Okay, menina querida(葡萄牙语,亲爱的女孩)? I want you to know that you are number one for me. You are my…” Shelooked out at the ocean and spread her hands out, like she was trying to smoothout the waves, “You are my everything. You understand me, Via? Tu es meu tudo(葡萄牙语,你是我的一切).”


I understood her. And I knew why she said itwas a secret. Grandmothers aren’t supposed to have favorites. Everyone knowsthat. But after she died, I held on to that secret and let it cover me like ablanket.







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